Network Rail Campaign: Empowering Women in the Rail Industry


In a progressive leap towards workforce diversity, Network Rail has unveiled an inspiring campaign dedicated to boosting female participation in the rail industry across the South East.

As the freelance photographer behind the visual storytelling of this pivotal campaign, I had the privilege of capturing the essence of a movement set to reshape the industry's future.

This blog post delves into the dynamic roles of women in rail, the impact of their work, and the transformative power of inclusion and diversity in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Project Overview

Network Rail's bold initiative to diversify its workforce represents a significant step forward in encouraging women to explore career opportunities within the rail industry.

Tasked with documenting this campaign, my goal was to highlight the vital contributions and dynamic roles of women in this evolving sector, showcasing the profound impact of their presence.

The Importance of Bridging the Gender Gap

With a notable gender disparity within operational roles such as signalling, engineering, and maintenance, Network Rail has embarked on a targeted campaign to attract more women into these essential positions.

By featuring advertisements across stations in the southern region and aiming to make rail careers more visible from primary education, this initiative not only seeks to enhance female representation but also to inspire the next generation of women engineers and technical experts.

Spotlight on Female Trailblazers

Central to this campaign are the stories of individuals like Jordanna Mills, a senior technical officer from Ashford, Kent, and Alison Badrock, an experienced signaller from Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex.

Their journeys illuminate the opportunities and fulfilment careers in the rail industry can offer. Through photography, I captured their expertise, passion, and the empowerment derived from their roles, challenging the notion that gender determines career success in the rail sector.

A Photographic Mission

My photographic journey was driven by a dual purpose: to celebrate the individuality and resilience of women in the rail industry and to articulate the broader narrative of diversity and opportunity within this field.

The resulting images, from candid moments of determination to staged portraits set against the rail backdrop, encapsulate the campaign's essence and the positive changes spurred by Network Rail's efforts.

Reflecting on Impact

This campaign transcends the goal of balancing gender representation; it's about altering perceptions and unlocking new pathways for women in the rail industry.

Participating in this project was a deeply rewarding experience, allowing me to not only display my photographic skills but also contribute to a meaningful cause advocating for workplace equality and diversity.


Network Rail's Female Employment Campaign stands as a testament to the ongoing pursuit of gender diversity within the rail industry.

Through my photography, I aimed to capture the spirit of this transformative initiative, spotlighting the resilience, commitment, and potential of women in the sector. This endeavor is a proud highlight of my portfolio, symbolissing my dedication to promoting significant social causes through the power of visual storytelling.